On Wednesday 16th March, FIAQ members and friends took advantage of yet another wonderful opportunity to learn at the world class facilities of the Biosciences Precinct at Coopers Plains. Excited delegates were guided through a food sensory adventure that included samples for sweet, sour, umami and bitter as well as guided commentary and explanation on the process which food manufacturers can take to baseline and investigate their optimum offerings.
The night consisted of the sensory presentation and palate workout, followed by a tour of both the sensory facilities as well as the food pilot plant that is a resource that must surely be Brisbane’s best food manufacturing secret.
The last few years have surely taught delegates to no longer take networking for granted, and after sensory groups went through the tour, a certain degree of vigour was required to stop the networking and disperse the delegates once the allotted time expired and the food, drinks and cookies were all consumed…
Thank you to CSIRO and Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for their time, insightful presentation and hospitality.